Alumni | GOTR Treasure Valley

GOTR Alumni Events & Activities

Thank you for your interest in GOTR Alumni Events & Activities at Girls on the Run!

We are excited to be celebrating our 25th Anniveray this year. And welcome all past GOTR Girls, Coaches and volunteers to celebrate with us! We will have a few events throught 2025 to engage and reconnct with your GOTR Family. 

Thank you for being part of our GOTR Family, we look foward to seeing you at our celebration events! 


GOTR Alumni Events & Activities

A Heart and Sole participant in a green shirt high fives a teammate at program practice

Interested in Alumni Events?

Complete this form to tell us about your GOTR expereince. We will add you to our Alumni group so that you can learn about volunteer opporuntities, Alumni Connection Events and more! 

Alumni Interest Form

BINGO Night - April 8th

Our Young Professional Board is hosting a BINGO Night at Lost Grove! Join us for fun and easy way to support GOTR and meet other GOTR Alumni. 
BINGO Cards are $5 each! Prizes for winners. 

See you at Lost Grove on April 8th at 6:30pm
